Have you spotted the new bookmobile, "Sherlock?" The Library Foundation’s work with
Capitol Federal® Foundation created a literacy partnership to be enjoyed all over Shawnee County. The $200,000 gift earlier this year enabled the library to purchase the new bookmobile to replace a 21-year-old vehicle. Support from The
Friends of the Library enabled the library to furnish the bookmobile will all new books and materials.
Jeanne Slusher, The Library Foundation Chair, praised the civic spirit of Capitol Federal
® Foundation. “This marks a long-lasting commitment from our Literacy Partner in providing library services when, where and how our citizens need them,” Slusher said.

As we continue striving to meet our community’s needs – we look toward a future bookmobile with specific materials and resources aimed to ensure children enter school ready to learn. Philanthropy plays a major role in assembling these resources.
By bringing families and neighbors together, our
bookmobiles generate one-fourth of the library’s circulation while also helping to ensure that everyone, despite transportation limitations, has full access to library services. Check the bookmobile schedule in
Library News to see when it will be in your neighborhood.
Your support today will help us reach The Library Foundation’s next goal of raising $300,000 towards the purchase price of a new bookmobile. Few local investments touch so many lives in such positive and affirming ways.