Free books for kids
We began receiving these books soon after the program was brought to our area. My 2-year-old son, who I've read to since before he was born, never really had any interest in books or reading, but since getting several of these books, Otis and the Kittens, in particular, HE LOVES BOOKS! On average we read this book 10-15 times a day! They have sent some really cute books and my 4 and 2-year-olds love them!” Renessa Ullery Lolly posted on Facebook.
Imagination Library sends an age-appropriate book each month to children birth to 5 years old at no cost to subscribing families. To subscribe go to tscpl.org/imagination and complete the registration form. The only requirement is that the child is a Shawnee County resident. If you move, you can easily update your address on this page. Building a home library supports raising a child who loves reading.
Children enrolled in Imagination Library from birth will accumulate 60 books by their fifth birthday. You can also get your child a library card and participate in pre-reading classes held weekly at the library. The library’s Learn & Play Bus travels the community bringing playful learning opportunities to eight locations.
Developing reading habits is simple. Set up a routine, a special time each day to snuggle up and read alongside your child. Let her or him pick out the book even if it is the same one as yesterday. Routine is good for young children. Sharing your time with them while reading a book is too. In fact, recent studies suggest that participation in Imagination Library increases early language and math development.
More than 4,300 children in our community are receiving books. Imagination Library is made possible by generous donations to United Way of Greater Topeka, The Library Foundation and the Friends of the Library.
We received donations from individuals made at Topeka Gives and through our annual direct mail campaign. Grants have been given by Security Benefit, Capitol Federal Foundation, US Bank, St. Francis Health Foundation, Cox Charities and the Topeka Community Foundation. We received gifts from a number of organizations and events including the local chapter of The Topeka Council of the International Reading Association, the Topeka Chapter of Links and a trivia event with FHLBank. All of these gifts will help us sustain Imagination Library for several years to come.