To include The Library Foundation in your financial plan or estate you can simple add - I give to The Library Foundation, a Kansas non-profit corporation, 1515 SW 10th Avenue, Topeka, Kansas 66604-1374, (Federal Tax I.D. #48-0956441), the amount of $________ or ________% of the residue of my estate for general purposes
Planned giving, or gift planning, is a charitable gift made in lifetime or at death as part of a donor's overall financial plan and/or estate plan. These gifts demonstrate your commitment to the library’s mission and provide an enduring benefit to generations yet to come.
Your gift is your personal legacy. There are no predetermined amounts. Generally, outright charitable bequests, whether given in the form of cash, securities or properties, are fully deductible from your gross estate, thereby reducing estate taxes. You are encouraged to consult with your attorney to ensure your will is legally valid and effective in carrying out your intentions.
We encourage you to give us a call about including The Library Foundation in your financial planning. 785-580-4498.
The Edward and Mary Wilder Society recognizes library donors who have made a planned gift, or an annual lifetime gift to the Library Foundation to support the Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library.
Click to learn more about the Wilder Society.